
lucio menegon | music•noise•art


Andrew Pask & Jim McAuley

Andrew Pask & Jim McAuley

Played a wonderful show at The ResBox Series, curated and hosted by Hans Fjellestad, at the classy Steve Allen Theater in Hollywood.

Andrew Pask and Jim McAuley put in a cool first set culminating in a final bit of mayhem on a seven foot long 12 string instrument played by Jim with metal batons. A screening of Nightsoil followed, then my quartet with Motoko Honda, Emily Hay and Scrote. We performed Screen, an improv score by Fred Frith which involves each player cycling through an improvised figure in two measures of 5/4 and each player taking a solo turn. We followed with a game piece I originally wrote for Split Lip called Pass the Baton, which involves each player improvising either a long, slow, wide figure or short, fast, thin figure and passing it on to another player (or players) to ‘interpret.’ A pretty scored improvisation by Scrote titled Craving Beauty followed and we closed with a chaotic free improvisation. The night was capped off by composer Bruce Friedman (from whom I purchased a very kewl book called Notations 21, a collection of modern graphic music scores) and his cast of fine LA musicians interpreting a graphic score.

Random Press

Prehistoric Horse (David Grollman, Valerie Kuehne, and Lucio Menegon) are an improv trio from NYC and Oakland who generate spasmodic bursts of clatter and skree via cello, drums, and guitar, typically played in ways that would make conventional music teachers shudder in horror.
Seattle Stranger

Very experimental music…like psychotropic microdot jazz disharmony mesmerandum
Ivy Room Hootenanny fan after hearing Prehistoric Horse


Flux53 showPerformed a solo set at the Flux 53 venue in Oakland this past Saturday evening as a result of Rent Romus graciously sneaking me onto the Edgetone Records Mudwagon CD release show – even though I do not appear on that fine slab of plastic. I followed a very good set by Jay Korber (of Ettrick) with a short blast of solo guitar hystrionics.

Here’s a little something:

      1. Flux-o-rama

Wandering around the space, I stumbled upon a group chores breakdown matrix posted on the wall. This entry was from a gig @ Flux with Prehistoric Horse on this past July at the start of our US Tour. I can report that most of the applicable chores were done, including the cleaning of the bathroom. Thank you nice people of Flux 53.
Venue chores from a gig

Venue chores from a gig